Monday, June 9, 2014

Rainy Days

"if it must rain,rain colorfully", "rain colorfully", "kate spade" If it must rain, rain colorfully.

Rainy season has arrived!

I admit I'm not a huge fan of rainy days. It has something to do with the dark and overcast sky  that kind of dampens my mood. One thing great about it though is that the chilly weather makes reading in bed extra nice. Here's my happy list and some of the things I like to do during this season.

1. Waking up to the smell of brewed coffee in the air.
2. Curling up in bed with a really good book.
3. Playing board games with my siblings.
4. Movie marathon or TV series marathon.
5. Exchanging stories with my friends and family.
6. Trying out a new recipe.
7. Preparing a hearty meal for my family.
8. Bake cookies.

Stay warm and dry! And God bless. :)

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